It has been a long time since I have blogged. This is not because I do not love writing but it is more because of my lack of effort to take the time to blog. I may write more and it may be another several years before I get to it again. The reason why is because like all of you, my plate is full! I am a wife, mother of three high maintenance but good boys, part-time foster mom to two more boys... where are all the girls! I work full time as a school administrator, which I love, all by trying to be a working mom whose kids feel the same benefits of a stay at home mom. Sound crazy? That is because it is! One cannot do everything but yet we all try.
I am fortunate that the school corporation that I get to serve is very family orientated. As a group, we support and help one another on a daily basis. We vent, love, care, and call each other out when needed. It is a family. One of the of the goals we do at the start of each calendar year is identify a word that will be our focus for the year. Jules Alvarado is a trauma informed care specialist, counselor, peace-maker... genius and quoted, "I chose every thought I have." This is obviously way easier said than done and may not be as profound to you as it was to me. However since the new year, I have repeated this phrase several times. Each time I have a negative thought, feel frustrated with circumstances, my kid's anxiety flares up, my teenager begins to annoy me, I feel I cannot do it all... I repeat this phrase. Unfortunately it has been more times than I care to admit. However it has made a great impact on the thoughts that I have. It is a struggle being a working mom while trying to be an example for not only my kids but all kids and parents too. With this said my 2020 word is, "CHOICE." I get to choose my thoughts! I can choose my reactions and I get to choose how I respond to unfavorable circumstances. Is this easy... uhhh No! However it is doable and a goal I want to achieve.
If you know me, some of you may be reading this and think, she has it together and is just rambling. Well if you think this, you are correct about the rambling. A little secret... I am a hot mess who puts on a good front! However if we are all honest with each other, aren't we all a work in progress? Life is hard! For 2020, let's make a commitment to help each other, support one another and just be understanding of each other. Everyone is going through something. Here's to the year 2020! I hope is serves you well and you give it all of your gifts!