Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Another Surprise Boy: Birth Story 2 of 3

It was March 16th and I was a little over 38 weeks pregnant and beginning to wonder if this baby was ever going to enter the world.  We were going to Robert’s parents’ house for supper and I decided I was going to walk over there.  You see I was entering the stage of pregnancy that many women enter titled, “walk the baby out.”  So I tackle the few hills and walk at a brisk pace, eat hardly anything, and return home the same way.  I am sure the rest of the family thought I was a little crazy and they were probably correct but I had a baby to walk out! 

When I arrived home, I began feeling the tightening that I remember so well when Carson arrived.  I knew we were going to the hospital that evening.  So I of course think, oh I have done this before, no big deal, we have all kinds of time.  Robert and Carson arrive home shortly after me.  I think he waited a bit before leaving to make sure I did not end up on the side of the road somewhere on my insistent walk home.  I told Robert to go feed his cows and complete any farm tasks he needed to and I would give Carson a bath and get his parents to come over because we were going to the hospital.  All the while, we are taking our sweet time. We get Carson settled with Granny and Pappy and then head for the hospital.  As we get closer to the hospital, mamma is feeling some pain.  By the time we arrive and I had to stand up to walk through the doors, I swear I thought that baby was going to fall out on the floor!

We were checked in and my regular doctor was at a NASCAR race (couldn’t make it up), so her partner was on call.  Of course he did not know me from any other crazy, pregnant lady so was not in a big hurry to keep me.  Robert, spoke up and informed the nurse that this baby was coming tonight and we were not leaving and if they forced us to we were going to the next closest hospital.  Typically my husband is mild mannered but you mess with his family, you better brace yourself.  They decided to keep us and a give me the much needed epidural and by 1:30 in the morning we were greeted with a St. Patrick’s Day surprise….a  baby boy, Gavin!

Surprise Entry: Birth Story 1 of 3

Naturally when you have your first baby, you have read all of the books, talked to friends and you think you totally know everything that is going to happen during the entire birthing process.  Guess what… you're clueless! Child birth is one of those experiences you have to encounter yourself to understand.  

It was a Friday and I had big plans for the day.  It was the last day of my school’s spring break.  I had a doctor’s appointment in the morning and the doctor said was it wouldn’t be long but looking back, I think she totally know she was going to see me again that day.  I was a little over 36 weeks along and one of my goals was to finish my Master’s degree before I had this baby.  Luckily that Friday I got everything wrapped up and turned in.  At this point I still think I have 4 weeks left before baby comes, see clueless. I think I am living up to my reputation of getting things turned in early.   Wrong again, I was a procrastinator and didn’t even know it!

I went home that evening and of course the baby had found a comfortable spot directly on top of my bladder.  That made for an interesting evening.  I prayed at supper that evening that I would know when it was time to go to the hospital.  I did not want to be one of those moms who overreacted, went to the hospital and then got sent home.  I had already done than once!  It felt like the "inexperienced mother’s walk of shame."

As the evening progressed I kept experiencing tightening around the baby and it was beginning to hurt and of course I had to pee every 5 seconds since my new darling loved to cuddle, squeeze, and kick my bladder. Finally after this occurred for a bit, I woke my husband and let him know that it was time to go to the hospital.  Of course he was just humoring me and being a supportive husband but he was thinking that we were going to be sent home again.  However one look at me and he knew it was the real deal!  He immediately began grabbing our bags and the car seat and throwing everything in the car.  Did you know you can make it from Evanston, IN to Owensboro, KY in about 20 minutes? 

I did not call my sisters and parents yet because I was scared of the repeated “inexperienced mother’s walk of shame.”  After we got checked in and realized okay we are going to have a baby, it was the wee hours of the morning.  The baby wasted no time and blessed us with his presence around 9 a.m.  Since we did not know the sex of the baby, when the baby came out, the doctor flipped the baby around with the baby’s butt being under her arm and said we are all going to find out at the same time.  She flipped him around and that is when we knew we had a Carson!