Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Desperate Attempts

As I was so desperately trying to get my baby boy asleep tonight, I was reminded of all of the ridiculous and frantic attempts I have made over the years to get my kids to sleep.  Tonight for instance, after laying Jacob in his crib following his long winded cry spell, I knew that if he saw me walk out of his room, it would be over!  Therefore after laying him down, I dropped to my hands and knees and crawled out of his room.  It was like I was some sort of spy or criminal in my own house!  However instead of being completely mortified by the fact that I had just crawled my way out to the hallway, I do a happy dance because the screaming had finally stopped.

Carson, the oldest and therefore experiment child would always fall asleep in the car. One evening after trying everything that I could think of to get this child to sleep, I remembered that he always fell asleep in the car.  However at this point in motherhood, I had not yet developed my ability to go on limited sleep and thought better of going for a drive.  Instead, I was hit with a brilliant idea!  I placed Carson in his car seat, put the car seat on top of the dryer in the laundry room, turned on the dryer and shut off the light….pure brilliance!  He was out like light and this trick worked many times. 

Probably my all-time most desperate attempt occurred with Gavin.  He would of course not have a problem sleeping if I held and cuddled him.  However as soon as I went to lay him down, his eyes would pop open and the wailing would begin!  So on at least one occasion, I actually got into the crib with him, cuddled with him until he fell asleep and then snuck out of his bedroom as quietly as I could.  Seriously, imagine, a grown adult laying in a crib…now that’s desperation!

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