Tuesday, January 21, 2014

My Father-in-law...The Ninja

When I was first introduced to my in-laws, we were a little uncertain of each other.  My father-in-law was especially unsure of me dating his youngest son.  The Pistol Annie’s song, “Hell on Heels,” comes to mind when I reflect on his first impression of me.  However 12 years later, I now know that although he has a tough exterior, he is really a big softy!

His behind the back nickname, The Ninja, began because he always seems to come out of nowhere to protect his family and farm.  He somehow knows when we pull into the driveway and times his call perfectly as we walk in the door.  He can sense when someone is at our house and will double check the person’s purpose for being there. 

Last spring, a friend came to pick strawberries and within 5 minutes of her arrival, he knew she was there, and came over to make she was not an intruder.  Her text she sent me was, “The ninja caught me.”

A few years back a neighbor had an insurance agent come to his house to look at a vehicle that was located in his garage.  My father-in-law with a weapon in hand and the person’s license plate number recorded, approached the man asking, “Are you buying or stealing today?” The guy dropped his clipboard, and terrifyingly explained he was trying to make arrangements for the truck to be fixed! 

Typically when I am going to have visitors, I try to let him know so he does not worry.  However on one occasion I forgot to give him a call to let him know my family from Terre Haute was coming to visit.  As my family and I were standing in a circle talking, he proceeded to speed his Kawasaki Mule down my driveway and through the middle of the circle we were standing in and explained without stopping, “Just making sure there weren’t any freaks bothering you,” and drove off.  After my dad stopped cracking up, he voiced that he was thankful that he does not have to worry about my safety.

As we have been expecting our current child, he always makes sure that there is someone on, "Jamie Duty," in case I need anything. Then just yesterday, I had car trouble and my husband, brother-in-law, and of course The Ninja all came to my rescue with a car trailer, truck and every possible supply to get me and my vehicle home. 

Through the years, I have learned that although it takes time to build trust with a ninja, once you do, you and your family are always protected!

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