Monday, August 4, 2014

Mother of the Year Moments 

It is appropriate to begin this post with a disclaimer. If you do not have children and often think to yourself when you see children in public as I once did, “I will never let my child get away with that,” then this post is not for you. In fact you may even find this post incredibly offensive and wonder why I was ever blessed with children in the first place.

Whether a working mom or a stay at home mom, I believe all moms often experience what I call, Mother's Guilt. Granted it is not technically a diagnosed, mental disease, but once you bring life into the world, you are automatically contaminated with this illness.

Basically how I am most affected by this disease is when I am working, I feel guilty for not spending time with my children, when spending time with my children, I feel like I should be working...not to mention where my head goes when I am cooking or cleaning or worse when I am not cooking or cleaning.

One of the symptoms of Mother's Guilt involves the mind trying to focus on too many details or tasks simultaneously, resulting in awesome, mother of the year moments!

For example, recently I sent Carson down to the basement to retrieve something from the freezer. I thought it would be hilarious to sneak down the stairs and jump out; turns out, not a great plan. As I jump out, and yell, I don't even remember what, but I am sure it was something real clever like, “boo,” I completely terrified him and he proceeded to start crying. Not only does this moment make me feel real stellar, I secretly still chuckle about it when this event pops back into my head.  

I remember when Gavin was younger and one of the times I had trouble getting him to sleep, I let him take a nap in my bed and naturally I thought to myself, “I could use a nap.” I was abruptly awakened by the sound of my child rolling off of the bed, onto the floor, against the dresser. Isn't that fabulous parenting?

While typing this post, my boys and I were hanging out by our lake and Jacob was stretched out on a blanket kicking, cooing and playing. When I look down to talk to him, I was just in time to see him grab a handful of sand and shove it in his mouth-fantastic! I am sure beach sand has antibodies in it.

Through the years I have learned and continue to learn to take each day as it comes, get done what I can and hope to not have too many of those spectacular mother of the year moments! However I can always plead insanity due to Mother's Guilt.

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