Thursday, June 20, 2013

Becoming a Commodore!

         My journey began as a commodore shortly after the birth of my oldest son, Carson.  Just like his mother, he has the school of thought, "to be early is to be on time" and he is never going to miss an event where he can be the  center of attention.  Therefore he arrived 4 weeks early and was a guest at his baby shower.
        My husband and I apparently thought it was a great idea to build a house while I was on maternity leave, thus bringing us to Perry Central's district and his childhood stomping ground.
        Fortunately, an opening became available at Perry Central; so naturally I began harassing the principal in hopes of receiving an interview.  He either thought my credentials were strong enough to give me a shot or realized the harassment would continue until he met with me. The day arrived for the interview and I was prepared and wore my navy blue job-gettin suit to go in for the kill and nailed the interview!  I walked out of the school that morning feeling confident that if I did not get the position, it was because they found someone better because I could not have interviewed any better. The principal called me that evening and asked, "Do you think you can handle moving your family and taking a new job in the  same year?" I responded with an ecstatic, "Absolutely!"
        The following Monday, I made  the dreaded trip to Tamarack Elementary, with my baby in tote, to resign from my  4th grade position.  While driving to Owensboro that morning, I had lots of pleasant memories and apprehension floating through my head.  When I happened to look in my rearview mirror, I saw blue and red flashing lights. Fear spread  thought me.   I had no idea how long the police officer had been on my tail.
        After pulling over, the officer slowly made his way to my driver's side window and  interrogated, "Do you know why I pulled you  over?"
        My response, "Not sure, speeding?" Because if I ever get pulled over, speeding is my offense;  I am always in a hurry.
        The officer continued, "Can I see your license, registration, and proof of insurance?"
        I passed the requested  items I could locate to the officer not being able to find my insurance card anywhere.  He allowed me  to slide on the insurance card and proceeded to ask, "Is the address correct on  your license?"
        I explained that I had just moved over the weekend and the address is no longer correct. He then asked where I was heading in such a rush.  I respond, "Tamarack Elementary."
        He asks, "Do you work there?'
        "Well kind of," I say as I am realizing that this guy thinks I am crazy!  I couldn't find my insurance card, my address is incorrect on  my  license,  I respond with I "kind of" work somewhere and their is an infant in the backseat! I then further explained that I am on my way to Tamarack resign because I just recieved a new teaching position and we also moved over the weekend.
         He looks in the back seat and probably says a prayer for the baby with the crazy mother and says, "Miss just please slow down and be careful." Then he walked away  too exhausted to deal with me.

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