Tuesday, July 23, 2013


          Yes I know TPCK sounds like some sort of gang member’s name and you may be wondering where I am going with this acronym.  Actually TPCK is a teaching model I have learned about this summer.  It stands for Technology, Pedagogy, Content, and Knowledge. These are the essential elements for 21st Century instruction and learning. 

          This model intertwines these four components of teaching in order to make the biggest impact on student instruction.  Although I agree with this model and find much validity in it, I think it lacks one descriptor, Theatrics!   

          The best lessons I have taught have a high level of knowledge about relevant content.  They use technology to facilitate this information using a research-based teaching strategy along with a huge punch of drama!  Once when teaching narratives, I wrote about being homecoming queen in college, wore a fancy dress and did a dramatic reading of my narrative. The kids loved it, the narratives the students produced were great and the best part of all, I got to wear a tiara for part of the day!

          As a parent think about potty training (content), you have the knowledge of the obvious benefit, you look up strategies on Pinterest (technology) but without the jumping up and down and cheering of celebrating this achievement (theatrics), the behavior isn’t reinforced. 

          Working and learning with kids requires drama and theatrics.  We all love to be entertained!  It helps a concept stick. I am currently working with my youngest child on not saying, “ain’t.”  In doing this, I correct him when he says it, remind him it is not a proper word and of course over dramatize how it sounds when he does say it. I use an exaggerated accent and respond, “You cant say aint ‘cause people will think ya don’t know nothing!”  He laughs because I sound ridiculous but he is finally starting to correct himself when he says, “ain’t; granted he is now saying isn’t when he should say aren’t and vice versa but I am picking one battle at a time! After all we are all a work in progress.

          In all seriousness, TPCK is an up to date model for teachers to examine when planning lessons.  Pair theatrics with knowledge, content, technology, and pedagogy/theory and you have a creative and memorable lesson to convey information.  Go TPCK+T!

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more!! Often in science I used finger plays to enhance the steps of photosynthesis and acted out or pantomimed abstract concepts like osmosis to student audiences. Reviews often included:"I never get bored in science!"
